Jesus Christ Came Into the World to Save Sinners
Langhorne Presbyterian Church is a community of Christians dedicated to the mission of sharing the life of Jesus Christ with the world.
God is good and worth our devotion and worship. God the Creator has entered into his creation through his Son Jesus, who died a brutal execution, rose from the dead three days later, ascended back into heaven, and has sent his very own Holy Spirit to guide and restore us. Since Jesus has triumphed over sin and death, he is king, and deserves our unreserved devotion. Because he is infinitely good, he is the only thing infinitely worthy of our devotion.
At LPC we practice this in several ways.
First, we worship our God. Worship is the fitting and delightful response of God’s people to him, our Creator and Savior, for what he has done, for his glory, in creation and salvation. We gather regularly to worship our God. We do this every Sunday, and the form of our worship is shaped by the historic practices of the Christian church, particularly the liturgies of the Protestant Reformation. Since we are gathered before our God, we believe that worship is spiritual, and that God by his Holy Spirit truly meets us as we worship him. Worshiping God through prayer and singing (speaking to him and to each other about him), hearing from God’s word (God addressing us), and partaking of the sacraments (signs and pledges of God’s favorable presence with us) are the primary ways that we worship.
We practice discipleship. A disciple is one who learns from and imitates a master. Jesus is our lord, and discipleship describes our striving to imitate him. Christians are not always the best at following Jesus, but our hope in this life is not the quality of our imitation but the integrity of Christ himself. Discipleship is expressed through formative disciplines, specifically participating in worship, reading God’s word and praying on our own, teaching others about God, resisting the allure to sin, and seeking ways to sacrificially and generously serve other people. We do all this because we love God and seek to love others. Discipleship equips us for wise living, regardless of our vocations.
We value service to others. We do our best to assist those in our church community when they are in need. And we also look beyond our church doors, and proactively seek ways to help those around us in the Langhorne area. As a church we provide food, money, and people to consistently and deliberately assist those in need around us. We also cultivate our members, both individually and as families, to generously serve their neighbors. Because God loved us, we endeavor to love our neighbors as ourselves.
Finally, we do all this as a community. The good news is that Jesus has come to fix sinful and fractured people, relationships, and communities, and makes us whole. Christianity is a not a go-it-alone religion, because God is restoring creation into a healthy community that is known and loved by him. He has invited all people to know and enjoy him, regardless of age, class, race, sex, or disability. We aim to practice our discipleship and service together in ways that reflect this calling. We gather for additional Bible studies, prayer meetings, social events, drinks, and friendship. We believe that community is strongest when it is intergenerational and both men and women are welcomed and valued. We have events and classes and culture that orbit around worship, discipleship, and service for all stages of life, and our community blossoms with organic friendships.
Denomination and Beliefs
Presbyterianism is part of the Protestant family, meaning that we are grounded in the Christian tradition mostly strongly formed by the Reformation of 16th-17th century Europe. We are a member congregation of the larger denomination the Evangelical Presbyterian Church. LPC values the whole catholic, Christian tradition as expressed in the ancient Apostles’, Nicene, and Athanasian creeds. Our doctrinal commitments are found in the Reformation documents the Westminster Confession of Faith with the Larger and Shorter catechisms (a teaching tool built around a series of questions and answers).