LPC is a Presbyterian church, which means we are governed by a council of elders (the biblical word for "elder" in the original Greek language of the New Testament is presbyter). Elders oversee the spiritual life of the church. LPC has a Board of Deacons ("deacon" is derived from the biblical word for servant) who lead the church in serving those around us who are in need. We also have a board of Trustees who oversee the stewardship of our resources. You can find the list of our current officers on these boards here. Below you can see our ministry staff.


Ann Marie Biddle 300x400

Ann Marie Biddle

Family Ministries Coordinator

Melynda Staff photo

Melynda Boyle

Office Administrator

Eva Jennings

Eva Jennings

Director of Congregational Song

Eva Jennings

Cameron Krauss


Cameron Shaffer

Cameron Shaffer

Senior Pastor

Jon Snyder

Jon Snyder


Tyler Staff photo

Tyler Stanhope

Associate Pastor for Care & Discipleship

Holly Waterson 400x300

Holly Waterson

Director of Choral Music