From time to time the leadership of LPC will publish essays on biblical theology for the life of the church. These are intended primarily to help members of LPC think through our doctrine and practice, but can also be informative to people considering visiting our church.

The featured essays can be found below or through this link, with the articles listed at the bottom of the page. 'Theology Shorts', smaller articles previously published in LPC's newsletter, can be read by selecting the "All Posts" button or by following this link.


Archives for June 2022

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The Service of the Lord's Supper at LPC


The Lord's Supper is one of the most important parts of God's worship. The sacrament of the Lord's Supper, sometimes called Communion or the Eucharist, is a sign and seal of God's covenant. In giving and receiving the bread and the cup, Jesus' death is demonstrated to the church and world. By eating and drinking in faith, recipients of the sacrament truly and spiritually p...

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Devotions – What Are They Good For?


What are devotions good for? The morning devotional is one of the most common practices encouraged among evangelical Christians. A good question to ask is, What is the biblical basis for a personal devotional? In all of our spiritual practices, the foremost consideration we must have is what God thinks of it. And it is the Bible that gives us God's perspective on our spir...

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Why Use Hymnals?


LPC uses the Trinity Psalter Hymnal in our worship, which raises a question for some: Why have a hymnal at all in this digital age, especially when projector screens are in the sanctuary? Every church has a music playlist. A congregation needs to pull its rotation of songs from somewhere. Sometimes it's the music team's favorite songs, sometimes it's the Top 40 Christian ...

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A Theology of Tithes, Offerings, and Alms for LPC


A Theology of Offerings, Tithes, and Alms for LPC How should the church think about money, especially when it comes to acts of giving in worship and honoring God with our resources? These are two inter-related questions: How should the church collect money? and What is God's expectation for giving? What follows is a sketch of the biblical summary on these topics along wit...

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