From time to time the leadership of LPC will publish essays on biblical theology for the life of the church. These are intended primarily to help members of LPC think through our doctrine and practice, but can also be informative to people considering visiting our church.

The featured essays can be found below or through this link, with the articles listed at the bottom of the page. 'Theology Shorts', smaller articles previously published in LPC's newsletter, can be read by selecting the "All Posts" button or by following this link.


Archives for April 2024

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LPC Liturgical Elements of Worship

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LPC's Sunday morning worship service follows a general order with a number of different elements included. This order is a called a "liturgy" and the elements are the content. Below are the different elements of the worship service listed out with a brief explanation for what they are and why we include them. The order and rhythm of our service is most deeply informed by t...

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Why a Sunday Evening Worship Service?


Calling the Sabbath a Delight: Sunday Evening Worship "If youcall the Sabbath a delight and the holy day of the Lord honorable; if you honor itthen you shall take delight in the Lord and I will make you ride on the heights of the earth." Why should a church consider having two Sunday worship services, one in the morning and the other in the evening? The answer lies in th...

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